Thursday, February 3, 2011

Help Health™ PHILIPPINES℠ Campaign for Clothes Shoes Toys and School Supplies for Families in need.

Campaign for Clothes Shoes Toys and School Supplies for Families in need.
To support needed Health Care for those most in need and sustain availability of resources.
HelpHealth™ Philippines United States Representative - Mr. Gregory R. Miller welcomes you to this Announcements Forum in weblog format.
Mr. Horst Heveling the Organizer of HelpHealth™ Philippines writes:
In January of 2011, the organization HelpHealth™ Philippines starts a new Campaign!

Our staff meeting ended with a resolution to expand our mission.
We are asking for donations of second-hand clothes, shoes, toys and school supplies and educational materials.
We then give these donations directly to the families in need.
Many clothing donations never reach the families and the clothes are sold in markets after being illegally misappropriated.
Rest assured, this will not happen with HelpHealth™ Philippines!
Horst Heveling and Team HelpHealth™ will personally distribute all educational materials, school supplies, toys, shoes and donations of second-hand clothes to the families in need.
The door-to-door delivery companies are known as Balikbayan (send it home) box shipment.

These companies are cheap and a lot of Filipinos use these companies to send packages to their families.
If you cannot find an address for one of the delivery companies, send us an e-mail we will try to find a Balikbayan box company in your surrounding area.

The send-to address from Horst Heveling for HelpHealth™ Philippines is as follows:

HelpHealth™ Philippines
c/o: Mr. Horst Heveling
Molavestreet/Lumangbayan 2
5200 Calapan / Oriental Mindoro

Please send your donations here and they will personally be delivered by Horst Heveling and the all-volunteer staff at Team HelpHealth Philippines.
Remember, we are asking for donations of second-hand clothes, shoes, toys and school supplies and educational materials.

The  planned delivery of material donations is to be announced.  Obviously, the more donations that are received, the sooner the donations will be surrendered to those most in need as resources permit.
The start of the NEXT Campaign for donations of second-hand clothes, shoes, toys and school supplies and educational materials is scheduled for the date of the 30th of June, 2011, which approximates the official END of this Campaign for the first half of 2011.
 Help raise Pubic Awareness of HelpHealth-Philippines and join us as an advocate.
Joining as an advocate is FREE and can be done HERE.

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Become an Advocate for Help Health - Philippines today!
©Copyright 2011, Gregory R. Miller, HelpHealth-Philippines™ Organization Under Creative Commons 3.0 Non-Commercial Non-Derivative Attribution License.

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